What is a Carnet and Why You Need One for Taking Event Equipment to Europe

What Exactly is a Carnet?

A carnet, officially known as an ATA Carnet, is an international customs document that lets you temporarily import commercial samples, professional equipment, and goods for exhibitions, events and fairs without paying duties and taxes. It’s like a backstage pass for your gear, giving it VIP access through customs.

Why Do You Need a Carnet?

  1. Smooth Customs Process: Without a carnet, you’d be stuck in a bureaucratic nightmare at every border, filling out forms and paying import duties and taxes. A carnet simplifies the process, letting you breeze through customs like a pro.
  2. Cost-Effective: Paying duties and taxes on high-value event equipment can quickly add up. A carnet helps you avoid these costs, making your event budget-friendlier.
  3. Time-Saver: Time is money, A carnet speeds up the customs clearance process, so you can get your gear on-site and set up on time.
  4. International Trust: A carnet is recognised in over 80 countries. This means European customs officials will know exactly what it is and how it works, reducing the risk of misunderstandings or delays. It’s a trusted document that opens doors—literally and figuratively.

How Does a Carnet Work?

  1. Application: Commbus can take care of this process for you. From you we will need a list of all the equipment you’re taking, including details like serial numbers and values.
  2. Issuance: Once your application is approved, you’ll receive your carnet booklet, which contains vouchers and counterfoils for each country you’re visiting. Keep this booklet safe—your kits’s VIP pass depends on it!
  3. Customs Check: Present your carnet at customs when you leave your home country and upon entering each new country. Officials will stamp your carnet, verifying that your equipment matches the listed items.
  4. Return: When your event is over, and you’re back home, return the carnet to the issuing authority. They’ll check that all your gear returned with you and close out the document.

Our Pro Tips for Using a Carnet

  • Detailed Inventory: Be meticulous when listing your equipment. Any discrepancies can cause delays or fines.
  • Keep It Handy: Always have your carnet accessible during travel, especially at customs checkpoints.
  • Check Validity: Carnets are typically valid for one year. Ensure your carnet covers the entire duration of your travels.


Need to to Europe – no problem along side arranging your event transport logistics we offer packages for completing the Carnet process too.


Chat to our team enquiries@commbus.com for find out more.